Launch requires much more than just a genius idea. It involves planning, study, knowledge of platforms and public. The first step to launch a digital product Everything that succeeds starts with a GOOD IDEA . But how to discover it? Your big idea always needs to start from two fundamental points: what is your specialty and what within that area can be important knowledge for other people. For example, if you are a health professional, you certainly see problems that are repeated every day, but that could be avoided if people had access to quality information.

And speaking in public knowing

Behavior is also fundamental when thinking about the content of the digital product, as well India Car Owner Phone Number List as the sales strategy. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE::: TARGET AUDIENCE OR PERSONA? UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE At this point, it’s worth a good analysis of your followers on different DIGITAL CHANNELS , always prioritizing the channel in which you have more relevance. With this search you will understand, for example, if your audience is made up of lay people (patients, or the general public) or if it is made up of experts (professionals in your area). How to have a good sales strategy for a digital product.

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There are different methodologies when

We talk about selling a digital product. For example, one of the biggest names in the field, PABLO MARÇAL, was responsible for the most lucrative digital launch in history in Brazil. For you to have an idea, the specialist Gt lists even made 50 million in a single launch. But for this to be possible, Pablo worked for a long time thinking and developing his launch strategy. In addition, there is also a competent team behind all actions. That’s because a LAUNCH requires you to choose a platform for sale, creating landing pages, good paid media management, content creation, sales support and a COMMERCIAL TEAM . And that’s where our team comes in to help you! With Pipe you have a team of specialists in all areas necessary for a successful launch.