For Patrice Laubignat , author of the book: “All About… Emotional Marketing”, the marketer must think of his long-term action plan : 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, etc. The marketer of tomorrow is therefore much more than a communicator. He is above all a visionary, attentive to his market, his customers and his surroundings. Want to know more ? Listen now to Aurélien Gohier ‘s podcast .The 2020 edition of Inbound Marketing France is now over. For the whole team, it’s time to take stock of this beautiful day which allowed speakers and visitors from all over the world to share their common interest in digital marketing.

We thus achieve an operation based on synergy

Through the many conferences, masterclasses or round tables, everyone was able to leave with concrete actions to boost their Iceland Phone Number List business. But in numbers, what does IMF20 look like? Inbound marketing France 2020 is… IMF20 Infographic balance sheet key figures Inbound Marketing France, 2020 edition, is therefore: D-day : 42 conferences 72 speakers + than 1,100 attendees In total, it’s nearly 28 podcasts and videos, which you will soon be able to (re)discover on our blog and our YouTube channel Inbound Marketing France.the technique, and people who are more expert in the heart of business business. We thus achieve an operation based on synergy and collective intelligence.

They have chosen to do without offices

Phone Number List

A media buzz  For this third edition, the team has worked hard to get people talking about the event throughout France and attract more and more visitors. More than 23,000 spots broadcast on the Parvis de la Défense 100 TV spots broadcast Gulf Phone Number on BFM Business 25,000 cumulative reads on IMF Moderator Blog posts 3270 visits on the IMF blog On social  networks: More than ever, the engagement of IMF visitors on social networks is to be underlined. This year again, Inbound Marketing France stands out as the international and unmissable event for all marketing managers and business leave their job for the TO DO. Some companies go further than a one-time telework day, they have chosen to do without offices.