You will be able to better understand what you can put in place in your companies. This debate will take stock of what happened to salespeople during confinement. We will come back to the evolution of the relationship with customers and the right ways to approach prospects. These new identified practices will be sources of inspiration for the months to come and will allow you to consider your recovery plans with specific actions, success factors. Let it be said, all marketing managers follow various indicators to analyze the performance and relevance of their actions.

The lead acquisition and generation strategy

We seek to increase our performance vs. N-1, always with the aim of generating more leads to develop our business, but sometimes the strategies in place stagnate. We need new things, but also advice, feedback to better Belgium Phone Number List understand what can work in our sector of activity, what has been proven. During this 3rd edition of Inbound Marketing France, the lead acquisition and generation strategy was at the heart of several conferences. The speakers also gave many tips to increase your results through digital marketing and marketing automation. We have therefore concocted a series of podcasts for you to understand everything about lead generation, whatever your level.

The time to come back during a masterclass

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Wizaplace is a platform allowing the management of marketplaces for e-commerce sellers. The challenge of the inbound approach? Create timeless content to  prove your expertise in your market and thus attract qualified leads. In January Gulf Phone Number 2018, the company launched its inbound marketing strategy. So 2 years later, what are the results? Neither more nor less than overall traffic and a number of leads generated multiplied by 3. So what is the winning recipe? Find out in this podcast. Sylvain Davril, founder of Merlin/Leonard, and Gaëlle Bezin, project manager at Placo, took the time to come back during a masterclass on the keys that make the success of a strategy carried on Marketo.