In this How Dino article you will see how to make a webinar from scratch step by step. I will. Therefore, explain how to create a webinar in 14 easy steps with examples that will help you increase your brand visibility on the Internet and attract more traffic to your business. A few weeks ago I published an article explaining what a webinar is and what it is for. This is how a webinar works, a basic but necessary. Therefore, introduction before launching into creating webinars. Webinars or webinars are a great way to increase your influence. Therefore, online and create an audience loyal to your brand . They are also a great way to make money if you are an entrepreneur.

How Dino to make a webinar from scratch

Set a goal: What do you want to achieve? What will be the purpose top industry data of your webinar? Do a study: Identify your target. Therefore, audience and potential customers. Use a professional tool: one that offers you a registration URL for the event. Choose a topic to discuss: Select a topic that interests you and that is attractive to your audience. Create a script: that explains the main points of your webinar. Create a webinar landing. Therefore, page: to detail event information and follow-up. Prepare a strategic recruitment and promotion campaign: so that your webinar has the desired attendance. Announce the date of the webinar: You should tell. Therefore, people when and where the event will take place. Offer an incentive. 

Prepare a strategic recruitment and promotion campaign

for your webinar to have the desired Gulf Ghone Number  attendance, users must know and know that you are going to offer it. For example, you can create a campaign and advertise on. Therefore, social networks to an audience that has reached you with an article that has to do with your webinar, do email marketing, etc. You could use tools like AWeber or MailChimp to register attendees. Look at the best email marketing tools to capture registrations. 8- Announce the date of the webinar.