The conversion rate would tell you what percentage of the people who click the link made a purchase. Conversion rates give you unique insight into your return on investment. When you know how much you have spent and how many subscribers are converting. It’s easier to determine whether or not the money you are putting into your campaign is paying off. 4. Bounce rate when sending an email campaign.

You also want to track the bounce rate

You also want to track the bounce rate. Bounce rate measures how many subscriber email addresses didn’t receive your email. Soft bounces track temporary problems with email addresses and hard bounces africa email list track permanent problems with email addresses. Measuring bounce rates against open rates will give you a more solid idea of the quality of your subscriber lists. If you have a high percentage of hard bounces. Your list may be full of fake email addresses. Old email addresses.

A double opt-in requirement is

Or addresses with mistakes in them. You can preemptively decrease your bounce rates by requiring a double opt-in. Which asks subscribers to verify their email address and confirm that they want to receive emails from your brand. A double opt-in requirement is a great option to help ensure higher quality email lists and lower bounce rates. 5. Number of unsubscribes measuring Gulf Phone Number unsubscribes is very simple. Any email provider will tell you how many people unsubscrib upon receiving an email from you.