In the case of CBRS, the enterprise could start with a proof-of-concept deployment on CBRS GAA first and, based on How does performance needs, can look into leasing a PAL or obtaining additional spectrum licenses if needed. Determine IT integration needs Since this will be an IT operation. The enterprise will need to work through crucial IT considerations. Including: Device and user identity management Furthermore. Both private enable greater flexibility and agility for workloads previously constrained.

The tent metaphor How does

Manage identities and SIMs? What enterprise directory systems will the PMN need to integrate with? Security and compliance standards conformance. Integrating existing Crypto Email List WIFI or wired Ethernet – Are there traffic routing considerations?

By expensive-to-deploy and hard-to-change wired. Ethernet networks and poorly performing WiFi networks. PMNs are a new, available, deployable, and manageable option today. And they are worth taking the time to evaluate as part of any IT. And network modernization project.

Is there a need for a local breakout

Of traffic, which requires the distribution of the exit gateway (5G core user plane function) into specific locations. Where traffic needs to be processed? Is integration with enterprise Gulf Phone Number network security systems required? Edge computing integration – Does the use case tie closely with a vertical application on enterprise premises? Is there an edge computing stack the PMN needs to tie closely into? Assurance and visibility .