More and more articles highlight the fact that the creation of relevant content prevails over the highlighting of keywords. However, keyword research is still essential to the success of your SEO: if your content does not correspond at least to the SEO work done by search engines, then you will not attract any traffic to your site. You therefore logically need to find a happy medium between content created around relevant keywords and content with high added value for the reader. So that you can see more clearly and know how to build the pages of your website, here are the 5 tips to know for an optimized SEO strategy . 1) Providing a relevant response to user queries helps propel you to the best results. — Google lists sites with one goal in mind: to provide users with the most relevant answers possible to their query.

Thus, the more your content is relevant

Today, things are much more complex because the competition is fierce. Also, more and more sites are moving towards a content strategy with blog articles, interviews, white papers, ebooks, case studies, infographics, webinars, online training, podcasts.the richer the content, the greater the chances of sharing. Google analyzes all this and above all values ​​it. Content-marketing.png Source: 3) On the contrary, ignoring Thailand Phone Number List the relevant keywords of the theme addressed amounts to depriving yourself of all organic traffic. — Without prior keyword research, you risk missing out on users’ specific areas of interest, and therefore depriving yourself of significant organic traffic. Then, the keywords selected must be the subject of a large search volume and a significant level of difficulty to be relevant. So you need to find an ideal combination of search volume and keyword difficulty to eliminate competition issues as much as possible.

The more diverse the formats

Phone Number List

Google Keyword Planner is a great free tool for keyword research , and for finding the perfect combination SEO specialist has a multi-entry matrix available here . Export it and customize it for your own use! moz.png 4) Google still continues to rank site pages based on the appearance of a targeted keyword in the URL, title, meta Gulf Phone Number description, etc. — Respect the basic rules of SEO ( see our dedicated article ) by making sure you have the right keywords in your page titles, meta descriptions and URLs. Your website should accurately and concisely describe the content of your pages and highlight the keywords that perform well in searches.