PageSpeed Insights (PSI) is a free tool provided by Google that analyzes a page’s desktop and mobile performance and provides suggestions for improving its speed and user experience. PageSpeed Insights works by analyzing a webpage’s HTML, CSS, fonts, and JavaScript, and provides suggestions to optimize the performance of the page. This includes things like compressing images, minifying code, and reducing the number of HTTP requests made by the page. Google Page Let’s look at PageSpeed Insights more closely.

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Data from real users of your website. Page Speed Insights is pulling this from the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX), which contains the data of Chrome users executive email list who opted in to sharing that data. At the top is a tab to switch between page and origin (similar to domain) level data, which aggregates the data for many pages. You may not have data for all pages or even origin data. It depends on how many people visit your website and opt in to sharing this information. As of April 2023, there are ~29.5 million origins in the CrUX dataset. Lighthouse is an open-source tool for measuring the performance and quality of webpages. It can be run in your own browser.

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Therefore, Of PageSpeed Insights, it runs on Google’s servers. You’ll see several numbers for Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, and SEO. All of these really just Gulf Phone Number check for best practices, but they don’t tell you how well you’re doing in each of the areas.As I mentioned, you can have a good score but still have a slow page that doesn’t pass CWV. Other factors, such as network conditions, server load, caching, and the user device, also affect page load time. Only 2% of tested pages score 100. A score of 50 puts you in the top 25% of tested pages. The score and metrics can change each time you run a test. This can happen because of network conditions, load, or browsers that make different decisions in the page-loading process.