Thank you so much for your great work, it’s not a trivial matter Reply Edouard Rubianes Month Thank you so much for your statement, Moises! I am so glad that this content is useful to you I will record some relevant videos as soon as possible and upload them to my channel. All went well. PHILIP January Custom variables do not work well in the Mailer Streamlined template, and customer service does not work well.

Helping and clarifying many doubts, greetings

Obviously, if you are not a paying user, when you first ask for support, they will respond to your registration email and obviously new database decide whether you are a paying user or not to help you based on that email. Reply Clear month morning Good morning because I first included the name of this person before adding the text to my email, but there was no name in the email I received Reply Edou Rubianes January Hi Clara, I can’t help you without more details.

Edu, it's been 1 year since I left

 See the documentation to learn how to add short user code to your email. All went well. The only question I have is when I use lead magnets to create automation, for example, it has a product offer, I create a sequence with an email, but I don’t know how to separate the products I buy. The first email and its removal from the sequence so that I no longer receive emails containing Gulf Phone Number products I have purchased can be answered, and some guidance will be very helpful to reply to Edu Rubies