Attracting new customers is at the heart of business strategy. But having a good product is not enough. With the explosion of technologies, consumers have become consum’actors, and companies have had to reinvent themselves to develop sales and loyalty techniques that place the customer at the center of the process. We already gave you 13 ways to generate qualified leads through inbound marketing , the question we are going to address today is how to convert these leads into buyers and close sales? For this, several sales and qualification methods exist, and among them, the BRANT and MEDDIC methods , very popular with marketing and sales teams. We explain in detail in this article how to use these two proven qualification methods!

The BRANT method in detail:


The BRANT method is made up of four elements to assess whether the prospect is likely to become a real customer: in English “Budget, Authority, Need and Timing”, in other words budget, authority, need and time. If all four variables find a positive Singapore Phone Number List outcome with the customer, then the sale is likely to close. Otherwise, it means the lead is not ripe. The budget : this variable amounts to asking “how much is the prospect ready to spend in his act of purchase?” “. The budget is indeed a crucial part of the sale. Customers often have a very specific price in mind for a product or service, ie a “ceiling” price, and they won’t buy if your offer exceeds their budget.


Authority : this variable corresponds to the question

Phone Number List

“Is the prospect the one who validates the act of purchase?” “. This is an important point to take into account, especially in B2B sales. The sales team will have to clearly identify its various interlocutors and adapt the sales pitch specifically for the Gulf Phone Number decision-maker. The need : at the heart of the purchase, there is above all a need. The question to ask is therefore “does my product or service meet the prospect’s needs?” “. If so, then your lead is relevant and can turn into a sale. Time: the maturity of a prospect is also a question of time, and this must be measured.