Sunil Mithas, expert on the role of innovation in business transformation and author of a best seller on “digital intelligence”, defines digital intelligence as the ability to understand and use the power of information technology. . According to him, digital intelligence is a skill that current and future economic leaders must necessarily master to improve the performance of their organization.


The question of the digital transformation of companies is certainly not new, but with the notion of digital intelligence, we are now going further. The new economic players in the Web, leaders in their market, Über and Airbnb, demonstrate this quite well: big data is the keystone of success. In other words, investing in your own digital intelligence is now the sine qua non of success.


Digital intelligence would have become the absolute weapon in the field of economic warfare, a means of outpacing its competitors and becoming the absolute leader in its market, the perfect eye of Moscow to know its consumer inside out, in short , blessed bread for marketing teams! But then, what exactly is digital intelligence, and above all, how to exploit it as best as possible?

Digital intelligence, the new key resource
Digital intelligence is very recent: it has only existed conceptually since 2015. So what has changed? The diagram below explains it perfectly:


Source: cmswire


In the early days of the Internet, digital Benin Phone Number List information was very thin. These were mostly website addresses and user login credentials. With the development of the Web and digital technologies, we moved on to one, then two, then three successive evolutionary paradigms, to arrive today at a veritable explosion of data.


They are now massive and plural, the result of cross-channel and mobility, centered on the individual and his behavior in terms of socialization, interactions, consumption or daily management: personal information, facial recognition, contact details banking, holiday location, intimate conversations, consumption habits, tastes, hobbies, family situation, place of residence, favorite restaurants…


Enough to allow companies to benefit from a global vision of their consumers, a perfect knowledge of the market, a detailed analysis of consumption habits, a clear understanding of changing trends for extremely precise targeting of messages. . And it’s not going to diminish: according to International Data Corporation (IDC), each individual will generate 1.7 megabytes of data per second by 2020.


The crucial question that then arises is: are you currently using all the potential of this data for your development?


Digital Intelligence

Evolving towards a “data-driven” organization

Phone Number List

As a business leader, you can no longer miss this resource , which is becoming a real challenge for growth , even survival. You now see yourself facing the new challenge of mastering the art of science and combining it with the finesse of the Gulf Phone Number customer experience to improve the relevance and effectiveness of your commercial strategy . Because it is a perfect combination of technology and marketing expertise that is needed today to get the right message across at the right time, to the right audience and through the right channel.