The price of degrees and master’s degrees has increased on average by 44% since 2009 , according to data from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (2014), although there may be large differences between Autonomous Communities. A public master’s degree in the Community of Madrid is on average around 3,900 euros while in Castilla-La Mancha it does not reach 1,400. Free training can also be expensive. Don’t choose to do the training that has the least cost, choose the one that represents the best investment for your project.

Poorly chosen free courses

Are very expensive because they have a high opportunity cost: the time that could have been dedicated to other, more profitable actions. Not to mention the damage caused to one’s professional qualification by an errant, non-multipurpose training curriculum that includes numerous training activities executive email list carried out like a bumper car, let’s see if the flute sounds. Don’t choose the cheapest doctor, choose the one who cures you. Before choosing the necessary training, in addition to the skills involved in the chosen activities. It would be a good idea to know the sector, occupation, companies and clients that interest you.

There are many options for training:

Self-taught or assisted; online and in-person, continuous for employees or occupational for unemployed people looking for new opportunities; in company or outside the company; gradual and intensive; official and unofficial; more practical and experiential or more academic and theoretical a 25-year-old unemployed young man, has worked since he was 19 as a cleaner and warehouse boy for intermittent and brief periods Gulf Phone Number without consolidating or promoting himself professionally. Due to a physical disability he has always had priority access to free training activities. In the last 5 years he has taken up to 4 vocational training courses for employment (FPE), a public program aimed at unemployed people.