Google My Business is an extremely powerful tool when exploiting its full potential. Also, here is how to optimize your GMB listing:

  1. Start your profile
  2. Check your listing
  3. Complete basic information about your business
  4. Add photos to your listing
  5. Collect and respond to reviews
  6. Communicate with your customers
  7. Publish your business transactions
  8. Leverage built-in tools


As soon as you want to implement a local SEO strategy, creating a Google My Business (GMB) listing is a must.

Indeed, the free tool offered by the Mountain View firm is essential for brands and companies since local research such as the Knowledge Graph, two Google features, are based on the information contained in GMB.

You therefore easily understand why it is essential to optimize your Google My Business listing. Besides, let’s see together how to proceed.


1 – Start your Google My Business listing


Before you start creating your Google My Business listing, check that you haven’t already created one in the past. If so, make the request to regain ownership of the listing and, once everything is settled, the following will also apply to you.

Go to Google My Business and create New Zealand Phone Number List your listing (or modify the existing one). Complete all the input fields and do not hesitate to put the name of the company or the postal address in capital letters.

Be as specific as possible in the information provided and do not forget to indicate that you offer products and services to the customer if this is the case.

This should prompt you to indicate the service area of ​​your activity. In other words, you can include in your file the list of municipalities (or postal codes) where you operate to sell your products and services. Feel free to widen this area a little so as not to deprive yourself of additional potential customers.


2 – Check your Google My Business listing

Phone Number List

Once you have filled in the main information for your Google My Business listing, you will need to check your listing, as Google wants to ensure that your business really exists.

To do this, it offers you to send a code by mail to the address you have entered. Upon receipt of the letter, enter the code provided and access a complete dashboard.

This is where a lot of businesses make the mistake of not going the extra mile with GMB. Indeed, by optimizing your file, you will be able to exploit the full potential of this tool and if it can allow you to improve your local visibility, it can also help you boost your sales and build customer loyalty.



3 – Complete basic information about your business



After ensuring that the information Gulf Phone Number already communicated to Google My Business corresponds to that which you put online on your website, continue to fill in the available fields by applying these tips:

  • For the telephone number, prefer a local line to a commercial line if you have one.
  • For the description, do not carry out keyword stuffing and just present the concept of your company in one sentence
  • For the category, be as specific as possible so that Google understands your company’s activity
  • For attributes, be sure to provide essential information for customers but that you cannot show elsewhere (for example, the existence of an outdoor terrace for a restaurant)

The information is there, place to work on the visual